Great White
Shark Cage Diving
Shark cage diving has a very good safety record. It is conducted by very professional crews in well equipped boats. There are numerous operators. The boats do not depart at fixed times as the operation is weather and tide dependent. It is advisable to pre-book as more often than not all these operators run full, especially in season, which is probably when you want to come. The water is cold but you are given wet suits . It will still be cold especially when you get out !! Take warm clothing with you. It is not necessary to be a diver as all you use are goggles and maybe a snorkel. Some operators pick you up from set points but with most you make your own way to the harbor. Costs are approx. R1100 per person on the boat regardless of whether you want to go in the cage or not. The trip is approx. 4 hours and you are guaranteed sharks or your money back / or voucher for another trip. The boats often leave around 8am which means an early start to get there. They do chum to bring the sharks to the boat but as they operate in the sharks natural hunting ground they do not attract sharks away from their turf. These sharks can reach 6m in length and have a top speed of about 40 km per hour.

We can arrange the dive on your behalf or you can book yourselves. We prefer arranging the dive for guests as we know the operators and take the weather etc into consideration. It is also advisable to ask about the sightings on the days prior to your trip etc. If the conditions are rough you should rearrange your schedule or have a strong constitution. We have seen fantastic video footage taken by guests from the boat so please don’t feel as if you have to go in the cage.